Both East Coast Asphalt plants have their own asphalt process control laboratories operated by qualified laboratory technicians. Our mobile plants arrive on site complete with fully functional mobile laboratories and qualified laboratory technicians.
These laboratories assure the quality of all products leaving the plants and form part of our commitment to the ISO 9001:2015 quality certification.
East Coast Asphalt also has access to Much Asphalt’s Central Laboratory in Cape Town and its Regional Laboratory in Benoni, which are equipped to develop new products, conduct correlation exercises and offer testing services to clients. These facilities also perform the complete spectrum of tests on the penetration grade and modified bitumen types, including new performance grade testing on bitumen as well as asphalt.
Both laboratories undertake high level research and development that help East Coast Asphalt to remain abreast of global developments and provide asphalt solutions to unique local conditions and requirements.
In 2006 the Central Laboratory (Cenlab) became the first South African commercial asphalt supplier to receive ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation from the South African National Accreditation System (SANAS). Cenlab was recently recertified in accordance with ISO 17025:2017.